25 November 2005


Recent joys:

The joy of a house filled with young people...Singing Christmas carols around the piano with Cindi, David, and Lauren (and wishing Bekah would join in!)...Matins sung in a full church...Tasting mom's cornbread dressing again, and wishing she and dad were still alive to share it with us...Friends singing together "Now Thank We All Our God" around a groaning supper table...Pinochle, even when the ladies win...Bringing communion to David in the hospital and learning about music afterwards...Jaclyn on the mend...Having all my children home...Finding out Opa and Grandma are arriving on Christmas Eve...Elena being chrismated on Saturday...Deb, Tim, Dorothy as catechumens...Anna playing the piano for us...Lauren, Lauren and Robyn up early to go shopping (see, miracles do happen!)...Bekah talking to Shawn for like HOURS...Bringing the Sacrament to Ray and Marvin...A cold day that presages the crisp air of winter (why does it always remind me of Aunt Emma's?)...Lucinda Bekemeyer's ginger cookies all made up and ready to bake tomorrow for tree trimming...The sight of children when they come home and all are in for the night...Vicar's joy in preaching...The outside cats grown all furry and frisky with the cold...Lucy barking at the "evil thing" (our vaccuum)...Listening to the Akathist of Thanksgiving on Ancient Faith Radio...The Jesus Prayer on long drives to the hospitals...Getting to baptize in German...

Glory to you, O Lord! Glory to you!

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