01 August 2006


Today was my first day vicarless in six years. Feels kind of strange. I'm looking forward to preaching more, I admit, but I will miss the companionship and theological discussions. As I look back on the six men that St. Paul's had the privilege of training, I think each one of them will hold a special place in my heart:

Stuart Rethwisch, because he was first, and very kindly taught me what to do and not to do as his vicarage supervisor (as in: Don't assign the vicar the FIRST pericopal study when he arrives; let him see how others do it!).

Mark Drews, because he was so gentle and kind, and taught me the value of dry humor.

Brian Holle, because he was filled with laughter and joy in the Lord and his "back home in Kansas" way of looking at things kept my feet on the ground.

Sagar Pilli, because he invariably surprised me with his unique insights and was so humble and willing to learn, and he always wore a smile.

Karl Gregory, because everyone needs an organizer in their lives and Karl knows how to get things in order and make them go.

Charles Lehmann, because I put him through hell with my own personal struggles and he had the grace to love and forgive and go on preaching the good news.

For each of these men, all but one of them now pastors, I praise God. I was blessed by them and St. Paul's was blessed by them. I hope we'll be able to participate in the vicarage program again next year, but in the meantime I'll be seeing ghosts of former vicars floating around the premises.


Anonymous said...

should I call more often with vicar-type questions?

Anonymous said...

Pastor Weedon, perhaps you might consider calling a deaconess to serve there. There are several women who have completed their internships and are awaiting their first calls.
Dcs. Kelly