19 November 2007

Ah, Preparing for the Thanksgiving Feast

Well, I tried to do a bit of clean-up today but was unsuccessful. The brasso that usually brings up the shine on our old brass candle-sticks and brass box, doesn't seem to want to work. I'm wondering if we need a new can. That stuff has been around for a long time.

The glasses from kitchen light and dining room chandelier are in the dish washer for their holiday shine up.

I've still got some more clean-up chores today, and then the cooking will start in earnest. This year we'll be joined by Dave and Jo (Cindi's mom and dad) and a friend of theirs, plus all the kids (Lauren and Dean are eating here for lunch and then the Herberts for dinner). Everyone will come over just after we sing Matins at St. Paul's - where we will also get to hear our former principal, Richard Rikli, preach for the first time. Matins usually is only about 45 to 50 minutes max, and the service starts at 9 a.m.

What's on the menu? Appetizers: shrimp cocktail, cheese and crackers. Main course: Turkey (23 lbs, I believe, and Cindi found a great "fast cook" method for it last year), mashed potatoes (for non-Atkins) and mashed cauliflower (for Atkins), gravy, southern "cornbread" dressing (an experiment to make it Atkins friendly will substitute almond "cornbread" for the usual cornbread - we'll see! No promises on that one!), cranberry sauce, sweet potato souffle, biscuits (non-Atkins), coconut muffins (Atkins again), and what we call "Jenn's Salad" (a great layered salad that we first gobbled up when Jennifer Rethwisch served it). Desserts: Pumpkin pie, cherry pie, chocolate pie, pumpkin cheesecake. Yeah, I think it SHOULD feed 9 people. ;)

Of course there also be coffee, tea, various wines and beer, and soda (ick!). I trust it will be joy-filled feast indeed. Hoping that everyone else also has a great day for singing thanks to Him who supplies us with such an abundance of food and drink, and the good company and family with whom to enjoy those gifts!


Dixie said...

Brasso does have a finite shelf life...I can't recall what volatile chemical is in it (acetone? some other ketone?) but I have more than a passing familiarity with Brasso losing its "umphf". And with that you might have an idea of how long I go between polishings!!!

Rev. Eric J Brown said...

I would recommend following Alton Brown's recipe for Turkey over at the Food Network. The brine does wonders for the white meat, and it cooks quite quickly - I did a 13 or 14 pounder last year in around 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Doorman-Priest said...

Now look what you've gone and done. I'm hungry! Sounds like a feast. Enjoy!

WM Cwirla said...

The Cult of St. Atkins kosher laws sure put a crimp in the lavishness of feasting, don't they? Divide the table, too, like the vegetarians with their tofuti turkey.

Bring on the carbs, baby! I'm loading up.

Lawrence said...

Before using the Brasso or any polish, first give the items a good cleaning.

Some good tips:


Brass will look brighter and require less polishing if rubbed with a cloth moistened with olive oil after each polishing. Olive oil retards tarnish.

A weekly wiping with a little liquid ammonia on a soft cloth will help keep unlacquered brass shiny. Use a commercial cleaner available in grocery or hardware stores to remove tarnish. On antique brass, test the cleaning product to be sure of obtaining the desired effect.

To polish antique brass pieces, wash in hot, soapy water to remove grime, wax, etc. Rinse and dry. Moisten a soft cloth with boiled linseed oil and rub on the brass surface until all the dirt and grease have been removed. Polish with a soft cloth. Very old brass items, especially if in poor condition, require special care. Consult museum experts for advice. To polish for a soft finish: wash in hot, soapy water, rinse and dry. Make a paste of whiting and boiled linseed oil. Apply with a soft cloth and rub to remove tarnish. Wipe off excess paste and polish with a clean cloth. To remove heavy tarnish, difficult stains and corrosion: wash in hot, soapy water or a weak ammonia and water solution and rinse. Dampen a soft cloth in hot vinegar, then dip in table salt and rub the brass, or make a paste of flour, salt and vinegar. You may need several applications. When the item is clean, wash in hot, soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly, then polish with a cloth moistened with lemon oil. If preferred, dip a slice of fresh lemon into table salt and rub over the corroded area. Wash, rinse and dry carefully.

William Weedon said...

Thanks for the tips on the brass!

And Pastor Cwirla, the joy of Atkins is that at the end of the feast you don't FEEL like a stuffed turkey yourself.