23 March 2009

What a Day Brings

Matins + Opening Devotions in school + NT Catechesis on Palm Sunday (5/6 and then 7/8) + Daycare Chapel on Washing the Disciples' Feet + Workout + Double Quarterpounder sans bun at McD with a cup of coffee + Hospital visits in St. Louis to Alexander and Ryton + Home to catch up on correspondence, blogging, and stuff for office + Vespers + Dinner + St. Paul's Early Childhood Learning Center Board + Glass of wine and surfing + BED (as in now - Müde bin ich, geh zu Ruh!).


Anonymous said...

And here I thought pastors only worked on the Lord's Day. Boy is my face red...

Former Vicar

William Weedon said...

Yeah, dude. They really sold us a bill of goods about the ministry, eh? ;)