27 September 2015

Random thought from today's homily

Pastor was explaining a bit about dropsy, that it's what we call edema. It occurred to me that there is a massive unity then between the two parts of that Gospel in Luke 14:

There are those who experience a physical dropsy or edema, a swelling in the body of fluids.
There are those who experience a spiritual dropsy or edema, a swelling of the soul in pride.

He came that we might be healed from both, and to heal us from both He humbles Himself to the way of the Cross where His heart is pierced that water and blood might flow out, squelching in His humility our silly swellings of pride. And when He reaches us His body and His blood at the table, He guarantees already our future bodily healing and begins already the healing of the soul by the gift of His own humility.

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